Stay mobile: Beelitz music gymnastics for Parkinson's

03-06-2021. Keeping moving is the most important thing for people with Parkinson's. Regular exercise can help slow the progression of symptoms. In addition to quantity, quality is also important. Both can be stimulated by music. The music improves motivation, the movement is more fun. In addition, the motor nervous system is stimulated by the rhythm and volume. This immediately reduces Parkinson's symptoms such as rigidity and bradykinesia (see also Music therapy anchored in Parkinson's treatment guidelines).

In the Beelitz-Heilstätten Parkinson's Center, music therapists and physiotherapists developed a special gymnastics program with music. This program has now been tested over 3 weeks by the music therapist Selma Gros in the Parkinson's Clinic in Bad Segeberg. Gros studied the effects of daily musical gymnastics training on the mobility of people with advanced Parkinson's disease.

The program is based on neuroscientific knowledge of neurological music therapy. The music causes a chronological structuring of the exercise process, a spontaneous improvement in mobility and an increase in motivation and mood. (see also Movement training from the CD player)

For the study, one group of patients also received daily group training with “Beelitz music gymnastics”. The control group received only the standard therapy program. Due to the corona pandemic, only small numbers of participants were reached, so that the results do not allow any conclusions to be drawn about group differences. However, the participants were very satisfied with the music gymnastics over the entire period and were highly motivated to continue the program. The study thus showed that the exercise program is suitable for intensive clinical training. For the future it would be important to clarify whether the Beelitz music gymnastics can also increase the effectiveness of self-training at home for patients with Parkinson's.

Source: Gros S, Mainka S. Motivating rhythms - "Beelitz music gymnastics" in idiopathic Parkinson's disease. physio practice 2021; 19:34-38

Beelitz music gymnastics on YouTube –