Dr. Stefan Mainka

Stefan Mainka

music therapist (nat. registry 210817), rehabilitation scientist

contact: mainka @ kliniken-beelitz.de, also at research gate


Mainka, S (2024). Personal music use by Parkinson patients while walking. Neurol Rehabil 20(1): 27-30. https://doi.org/10.14624/NR2401001
Mainka, S, Lauermann, M & Ebersbach, G (2023). Arm swing deviations in patients with Parkinson's disease at different gait velocities. J Neural Transm. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00702-023-02619-4
Mainka, S, Weymann, E (2023). Music therapy newly defined (in German). GMS J Art Ther 2023;5:Doc02 https://dx.doi.org/10.3205/jat000030
Mainka, S (2022). On the effect of music on movement (in German). Musiktherapeutic Umschau, 43;4: 404-406.
Mainka, S, Irons JY (2022). Singing as a therapeutic intervention in people with Parkinson's disease. A systematic review. Musiktherapeutic Umschau 43;3: 210-223. http://dx.doi.org/10.13109/muum.2022.43.3.210
Mainka, S. (2022). Music therapy in neurorehabilitation. neuroreha: 14(02):64-68
Mainka S, Schroll A, Warmerdam E, Gandor F, Maetzler W, Ebersbach G (2021). The power of musification: sensor-based music feedback improves arm swing in Parkinson's disease. Mov Dis Clin Prac https://doi.org/10.1002/mdc3.13352
Mainks, S. (2021). Fast so gut wie L-Dopa. Musik beflügelt auch bei Parkinson. Blog post for musiktherapie.de.
Gros, S., Mainka, S. (2021). Motivierende Rhythmen – Beelitzer Musikgymnastik bei idiopathischem Parkinson. physiopraxis 4/21; Thieme Stuttgart, S. 34-38. Reading list
Mainka, S (2020). Neurologische Musiktherapie, In: Lexikon Musiktherapie, Hrsgs. Decker-Voigt, HH, Weymann, E, 3. Auflage, Hogrefe Göttingen. S. 446 – 450
Sonntag, J, Mainka, S (2020). Neurologische Musiktherapie und das Atmosphärenkonzept – eine Resonanzbeziehung. Musiktherapeutische Umschau Band 41. 152-157.
Mainka, S. (2018). Wieder gehen lernen mit Musik: Evaluierung eines musikgestützten Laufbandtrainings für hemiparetische Patienten nach Schlaganfall. Universität Potsdam. https://doi.org/10.25932/publishup-43004
Mainka, S., Wissel, J., Völler, H. Evers, S. (2018). The use of rhythmic auditory stimulation to optimize treadmill training for stroke patients: a randomized controlled trial. Front neurol, https://doi.org/10.3389/fneur.2018.00755
Mainka, S (2018). Musiktherapie bei Parkinson-Erkrankung. neuroreha. März 2018. Thieme. Stuttgart. 32-37. Reading list
Rizzonelli, M, Kim JH, Gladow, T and Mainka, S (2017). Musical stimulation with feedback in gait training for Parkinson's disease. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain. Vol 27 (3), Sep 2017, 213-218. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pmu0000182
Dalla Bella, S., Benoit, CE, Farrugia, N., Obrig, H., Keller, Peter E., Mainka, S., and Kotz, SA (2017). Gait improvement via rhythmic stimulation in Parkinson's disease is linked to rhythmic skills. Scientific reports. doi: 10.1038 / srep42005
Mainka, S. (2017): Musiktherapie beim IPS. In: Aktivierende Therapien bei Parkinson – Syndromen. Hrgs. G. Ebersbach & A. Ceballos-Baumann. 3. Überarbeitete Auflage Thieme, Stuttgart.
Mainka, S., Spintge, R., Thaut, M. (2016): Music Therapy in medical and neurological rehabilitation stettings. In: The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Eds. Susan Hallam, Ian Cross, Michael Thaut. Oxford University Press. 2nd edition. 857-876
Mainka, S., Koch, S., Schumacher, C., Eberhard-Kaechele, M. (2016): Wie effektiv sind künstlerische Therapien vs. Standard-Therapie bei der Behandlung des IPS (AHP6)? In: S3 Behandlungsleitlinie Idiopathisches Parkinson-Syndrom fvon Dt. Gesellschaft für Neurologie (Hrsg.) und Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wissenschaftlich-medizinischer Forschung.
Mainka, S. (2016): Music stimulates muscles, mind, and feelings in one go. In: Sound, music and movement in Parkinson's disease. Ed. Marta Bienkiewicz, Cathy Craig Front Psychol.  http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01547
Benoit, CE, Dalla Bella, S., Farrugia, N., Obrig, H., Mainka, S., and Kotz, SA (2014). Musically cued gait-training improves both perceptual and motor timing in Parkinson's disease. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience doi: 10.3389 / fnhum.2014.00494
Mainka, S., Mallien, G. (2014): Rhythmic Speech Cueing. In: Handbook for Neurologic Music Therapy. Eds Thaut, M, Hoemberg, V. Oxford University Press. PDF online. Audio samples on rhythmic speech cueing
Mainka, S. (2012): Keine Angst vorm Üben – Musiktherapie als Übendes Verfahren. Musiktherapeutische Umschau. 4 – 2012. S. 378 – 387
Mainka, S. & Reinhardt, A. (2012): Musiktherapie beim IPS. In Aktivierende Therapien bei Parkinson – Syndromen. In: Aktivierende Therapien bei Parkinsonsyndromen. Hrgs. G. Ebersbach & A. Ceballos-Baumann. 2. Auflage Thieme, Stuttgart.
Mainka, S., Trebs, S. (2011) - Rhythmisch-Akustische Stimulation bei Morbus Parkinson – Auditives Dopamin.  physiopraxis. Thieme, Stuttgart
Mainka, S., Ebersbach, G., Ceballos-Baumann, A. (2009): Die Chancen der Musiktherapie nutzen. DNP Der Neurologe & Psychiater. Springer
Mainka, S. (2009): Im Takt – Musiktherapie in der Rehabilitation nach Schlaganfall. In: PhysioPraxis. Thieme, Stuttgart
Mainka, S. & Reinhardt, A. (2009): Musiktherapie beim IPS. In Aktivierende Therapien bei Parkinson – Syndromen. In: Aktivierende Therapien bei Parkinsonsyndromen. Hrgs. G. Ebersbach & A. Ceballos-Baumann. 1. Auflage Thieme, Stuttgart.
Mainka, S. (2009): Rhythmisches Sprechtraining als möglicher Ansatz der Sprechtherapie für Patienten mit Progressiver Supranukleärer Blickparese. In: Progressive Supramukleäre Blickparese (PSP) – Sprechen, Sprache Kommunikation. (Hrg. S.Wagner und S.Kotz)
Baumann, M. , Hinkelmann, A., Jochheim M. , Mainka, S., Straub, S., Unterharnscheidt, M. (2005) Indikationskatalog Musiktherapie in der Neurologischen Rehabilitation. Deutsche Musiktherapeutische Gesellschaft. Berlin
Mainka, S. (2005): Der Einsatz von Pulsierender Auditiver Stimulation (PAS) in der sensomotorischen Rehabilitation. In: Musiktherapie der Neurorehabilitation. (Hrg. S. Jochims) S. 99-112. Hippocampus Verlag, Bad Honnef
Mainka, S. (2002): Musiktherapie als integraler Bestandteil eines bio-psycho-sozialen Behandlungskonzepts in der psychiatrischen Tagesklinik. Thesis

Congress presentations:

  • Mainka, S (2024). Personal use of music by Parkinson's patients while walking. DPG Congress April 25-27, 2024 Rostock
  • Mainka, S, Ebersbach, G (2023). Arm Swing Deviations In Patients With PD At Different Gait Velocities. Movement Disorders Society International Congress, Aug 26 – 29, 2023. Copenhagen.
  • Mainka, S (2022). Neurologic Music Therapy In A Special Hospital For Patients With Parkinson's Disease. 13th World Congress for Neurological Rehabilitation. WFNR. Dec 14-17, 2022. Vienna.
  • Mainka, S, Ebersbach, G (2022). Feasibility of Sensor-Based Music Feedback in Patients with PD. Movement Disorders Society International Congress, Sept 15-18, 2022. Madrid. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.12831.43680/1
  • Mainka S, Engel A, Gros S, Magee W, Oliver S, Rohde E (2022). Clinical Implications of Neurologic Music Therapy. Roundtable at the 12th European Music Therapy Congress. 8-12 June, 2022. Edinburgh.
  • Mainka, S, Ebersbach, G (2021). Spontaneous effect of sensor-based music feedback on the arm swing when walking in Parkinson's patients. DPG Congress Highlights Digital 2021.
  • Sonntag, J, Mainka, S (2019). Neurologic Music Therapy And The Atmosphere Concept: A Field Of Resonance. European Music Therapy Congress. Aalborg.
  • Mainka, S, Ebersbach, G (2019). Interactive music feedback for arm swing training in Parkinson's. DPG Congress March 9, 2019 Düsseldorf
  • Mainka, S, Ebersbach, G, Rizzonelli, M (2018). Musical Stimulation With And Without Feedback In Gait Training For Parkinson's Disease. Freezing of Gait Leuven. 6-8 June 2018. Leuven. Belgium.
  • Mainka, S (2017). Evaluation of a music-based treadmill training for hemiparetic patients after a stroke. 25th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Neurorehabilitation eV 7-9 December 2017. Berlin
  • Mainka, S, Ebersbach, G, Rizzonelli, M (2017). Rhythmic-auditory stimulation (RAS) with and without music feedback during gait training with patients with idiopathic Parkinson's syndrome. 25th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Neurorehabilitation eV 7-9 December 2017. Berlin
  • Mainka, S, Wissel, J (2017). Evaluation of a music guided treadmill training for hemiparetic patients following stroke. European Congress for Neurorehabilitation. October 25-28, 2017. Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Mainka, S., (2017). Rhythmic audit stimulation during gait training with and without sensor-based music feedback. 10th German Congress for Parkinson's and other movement disorders May 4-6, 2017. Baden-Baden. Germany
  • Mainka, S. (2016). Introduction to neurological music therapy. Annual meeting of the Austrian Society for Neuro Rehabilitation. October 13-15, 2016. Pörtschach. Austria
  • Straub, S, Mainka, S. (2007). Catalog of Indications for Music Therapy in Neurological Rehabilitation. VII. European Music Therapy Congress. Eindhoven