Motor applications of the Neurological Music Therapy according to Thaut.
Gait training with music - RAS
The rehabilitative gait training (e.g. for stroke, Parkinson's, traumatic brain injury, hip surgery, etc.) is made more efficient with music. A so-called RAS (rhythmic-auditory stimulation) is used. This is presented by a metronome or as music on headphones. The pace and structure of the Training music be adapted to the disturbed gait pattern.
The digital therapy protocol for RAS - gait training. With integrated formula editor.
Instrumental play as movement training
By playing on musical instruments even musically inexperienced patients can effectively train movements of arms, torso, hands, fingers and others. Various Musical instruments such as drums, stick games, piano or melodica are used for musical movement exercises to optimize. The arrangement of the instruments and the musical stimulation - played live by the therapist on the piano - ensure that the same movement is practiced again and again.
Fine motor skills training on the piano in Parkinson's - an excellent way to maintain and train the important mobility of the fingers and hands. The piano training is controlled rhythmically so that optimal and selective finger mobility is promoted and unfavorable movements and rigidity are inhibited.
Such repetitive training is a very promising approach in the context of rehabilitative therapies, especially if additional deficits (neglect, spasticity, attention disorders, etc.) inhibit training progress. With the guidance of the therapist, even severely paralyzed muscles can be trained effectively. In neurological music therapy, this technique is called TIMP (Therapeutic Instrumental Musical Playing).
Music therapy sequence training
In this training, the patient practices a complex movement or sequence of movements (e.g. from sitting to standing, handling an object, etc.) with the support of a specially composed piece of music. All sub-movements are built into a so-called kinematic melody. The treatment technique has the name Patterned sensory enhancement. Musical patterns each support specific aspects of a movement - such as the extent of movement.
This special music enables better motor control. In addition, the training can be experienced acoustically and aesthetically. This supports the mental learning process. Last but not least, this makes training more fun. Endurance and motivation are increased. See Beelitz Music Gym.